| PREACHING CHRIST’S ’ALIEN’ RIGHTEOUSNESS CREDITED TO US | Justification is a two-fold declaration of God that we are both “Not Guilty” and also “Perfectly Worthy” on account of Christ’s substitutionary death and meritorious life. God not only sees you just as He sees Christ, but you are personally united with Christ and His merit imputed through Word & Sacrament. Be ”fed with your ears” [Martin Luther] by Law & Gospel Preaching proclaiming Christ’s Person & Work, His ’Alien’ Righteousness, in Forensic Justification. Rest in the renewing of your mind as Scripture interprets Scripture through Christ in His unfolding story. Hear like ancient believers as Christ, the Word, that is both ’Author’ and ’Actor’, explains all that Moses, the Prophets & all the Scriptures say concerning Him.
4 days ago
"Love in Action: Christ in Psalm 136"
4 days ago
4 days ago
In this episode, we delve into the profound message of Psalm 136, exploring the true nature of God's steadfast love. We often misconstrue love as an emotion, but this sermon reveals how divine love is defined by action and being. Reflect on the deeds of God in Christ, from the creation of the cosmos to the deliverance of His people, and gain a deeper understanding of love as acted out through Jesus Christ. Through this exploration, learn how God's love transcends mere feelings and manifests in His mighty acts of salvation and grace.
4 days ago
4 days ago
The episode explores the recurring theme of rebellion in biblical history, beginning with Adam's failure to protect the Garden of Eden and continuing through the history of Israel. As humanity consistently turns away from God, the narrative sets the stage for Jesus Christ, the new and true Adam and Israel, to rectify past transgressions.Through Christ's unthinkable offer of peace instead of punishment, humans are invited to co-rule as his bride. The episode emphasizes the fulfillment of God's plan through Christ's sacrifice, transforming a history of rebellion into a pathway to eternal life and communion with God.
Friday Mar 21, 2025
"Unveiling God's True Nature in Christ: Jacob and Esau's Story"
Friday Mar 21, 2025
Friday Mar 21, 2025
In this enlightening sermon, we delve into the profound story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis 32, exploring the depths of human scheming and divine grace. The narrative unfolds as Jacob, a habitual schemer, confronts his past sins and encounters the living God in an unexpected wrestling match. This intense encounter reveals a pivotal truth about God's nature and His approach to human frailty and sin.
The sermon highlights how Jacob, despite his deceptive past, is blessed not because of his actions but because of God's promise and grace. This Biblical event foreshadows the essence of salvation, where blessings are bestowed not based on human worthiness but purely on divine grace through the person with whom He wrestles: Preincarnate Christ. Through the confrontation, Jacob is transformed in identity and purpose, symbolizing the profound impact of God's mercy on human lives.
Friday Mar 21, 2025
The Divine Warrior: Jesus and the Cosmic Battle
Friday Mar 21, 2025
Friday Mar 21, 2025
Explore the profound themes of divine mercy, patience, and the cosmic battle against evil embodied in the story of Jesus, the divine warrior. Delve into the powerful imagery of the flood and the fire as symbols of both destruction and redemption. Discover how Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the cross serves as the pivotal victory in the cosmic war, revealing God's plan to redeem creation and humanity. This episode invites listeners to understand the hidden victories in the spiritual battles throughout salvation history and the promises of peace and renewal through Christ.
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
The New Adam: Jesus' Victory Over Temptation
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
In this compelling sermon, we explore the profound connection between the story of Adam in the Garden of Eden and Jesus in the wilderness. Drawing from Genesis 3 and Matthew 4, this message highlights Jesus as the new Adam, fulfilling what the first Adam could not. Through a deep dive into scripture, we see the transformative power of obedience and sacrifice, and how Christ's actions have redefined humanity's path.The narrative unfolds with the familiar tale of Adam's disobedience and Jesus' unwavering faith in the face of temptation. Discover the contrast between the old and new Adam, and the implications this has for every believer. As Jesus triumphs over the serpent, he invites us into a renewed relationship, offering the fruits of salvation through his sacrifice.This sermon not only commemorates the journey from temptation to triumph but also extends an invitation to partake in the blessings of Christ's obedience. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of faith, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the promise of eternal life through Jesus, our redeemer.
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
Ashes, Repentance, and Redemption
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
In this episode, we reflect on the profound reminder that begins our Lenten journey: "For you are dust, and to dust you shall return." As we receive ashes and enter the season of Lent, we are called to confront our sinful nature and inevitable mortality. But amidst the certainty of death and destruction, we find a message of hope and redemption through repentance.The episode draws from the Old Testament readings of Joel and Jonah, illustrating how God's grace and compassion can transform our lives if we turn back to Him. Despite humanity's repeated failings, the possibility of divine forgiveness and blessing remains open to those who sincerely repent.We explore the concept of 'being repented,' allowing God to guide us back to righteousness through His love and mercy. This leads us to consider the role of Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice and suffering offer us the promise of eternal life and vindication through His resurrection and glory.Join us as we embrace the tensions of faith in this reflective season, balancing the reality of our sins with the hope of sharing in Christ's divine glory. Let us fast and repent, yet also feast with the Lord, as we prepare our hearts for the great promise of resurrection and eternal life to come.
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
The Divine King vs. Human Authority: Saul's Downfall
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
In this sermon, we delve into the Old Testament narrative found in 1 Samuel chapter 16, exploring the profound lessons from Israel's demand for a human king. Amidst national struggles and divine intervention, we uncover the contrast between Saul's failure to fulfill God's command and the eternal promise of Jesus Christ, the true King. While Saul's reign spirals into chaos due to his disobedience, the narrative foreshadows the coming of a Messiah who will encapsulate the roles of prophet, priest, and king. This message invites us to reflect on God's unwavering plan to reclaim humanity and restore His kingdom through the ultimate act of love in Christ Jesus.
Saturday Mar 01, 2025
"Faithified, Righteousified, Repentanced: Christ the Good Soil"
Saturday Mar 01, 2025
Saturday Mar 01, 2025
In this enlightening sermon from the book of Isaiah, discover the profound message that our spiritual journey is not about our own abilities or worthiness. Delve into the context of Isaiah's writings, exploring the metaphor of the "good" and "bad" soil and the relief from the burden of self-assessment. Through the imagery of a tender shoot, symbolizing Christ, we learn how Jesus performs the essential work of salvation and transforms us into his righteous and faithful bride.
The sermon further elaborates on Christ's roles of "faithifying," "righteousifying," and "repentancing" us, challenging our preconceived notions of self-reliance in spirituality. With Jesus as the Lord of armies, He victoriously calls us back, forgives our sins, and offers us the comfort of His accomplished mission.
Prepare to be transformed by the Word, hear the powerful message of recreation and renewal, and find solace in the assurance of Christ’s perfect obedience and eternal invitation to co-rule with Him in His kingdom. This sermon is a comforting reminder that Jesus creates our faith, and through Him we are clothed in righteousness and destined for eternal life.
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Christ the Rock Split: The Spring of Salvation
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
In this thought-provoking episode, we embark on a journey that intertwines two pivotal moments in biblical history: the rock-striking event in Exodus and the crucifixion of Christ. Witness how the sacrificial acts of God, meant to redeem and renew, echo through time, interlinking the Old Testament wanderings with the New Testament's ultimate sacrifice. Through a close examination of scripture, the episode brings to light the depths of divine love and salvation that continue to resonate in our lives today. As we delve into the narrative, we discover the profound connections between these events and their lasting implications for believers, encapsulating the grace, mercy, and peace offered through Jesus Christ. Join us as we bridge the gap between ancient accounts and the everlasting hope found in Christ.
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Shattering Expectations: The Transfiguration Unveiled
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
In this enlightening sermon, we explore the profound significance of the Transfiguration of Jesus, drawing from the Old Testament readings of Exodus and the Gospel of Matthew. Journey with us as we unravel the recurring theme of shattered expectations in the divine narrative, where the anticipated battle and victory take an unexpected turn.We delve into the covenant at Mount Sinai and its implications for Israel, revealing the unique role of Jesus as the true Warrior King. Discover how Jesus plants the flag of his kingdom on the mountain of the enemy, fulfilling promises made to Moses and Elijah.Join us as we embrace the true battle of the Messiah, where Jesus overcomes sin, death, and the power of the devil by turning the sword upon himself. In this cosmic victory, our expectations are forever transformed as we find our peace and purpose in Christ's completed work.